College of Health and Human Performance

HHP Women’s History Month Spotlight

Abigail Schmitt, Ph.D. '20

HHP Women’s History Month Spotlight

Dr. Schmitt is an assistant professor at the University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions. She earned her Ph.D. at the College of Health & Human Performance in 2020.


What is the name of your lab?

My lab at the University of Arkansas is affectionately named “the MOVE lab” (but technically goes by “the Neuromechanics of Human Movement Laboratory” for grants and the like)

What is one exciting thing you are currently working on?

Right now we are exploring how people move outside the laboratory – using markerless motion capture and wearable sensors to get a better idea of what people do in dynamic real-world situations. We think of it as studying “humans in the wild.”

What advice would you give to the next generation of women in STEM?

Find good mentors and build a “tribe” of people to support you. It’s important that you’re willing to advocate for yourself, but you can’t do everything on your own (and that’s okay).

What have you sacrificed (professionally and/or personally) during your career?

As a female academic, I often get advice that prioritizes my career over my personal life (e.g., “wait until you get tenured to have kids”). In my opinion, that advice creates an unnecessary barrier between our personal and professional lives. Make choices for your life when they are convenient and right for you–regardless of what advice you may have heard.

Any parting or additional comments?

Go Gators!

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